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Live Demo – Power BI Ultimate Charts Waterfall & Variance IBCS (R)

Live Demo – Power BI Ultimate Charts Waterfall & Variance IBCS (R)

Video 2: Start Value

Let me introduce you today the Ultimate Waterfall Chart, a Custom Visual which will be soon available in the gallery. Lets have a more detailed look on my first example I have prepared. It’s not a final dashboard, it just has the charts or features on it I want to explain. The Charts follow somehow the IBCS(R) Standard.

Live Demo - Power BI Ultimate Waterfall & Variance IBCS (R)

We are looking here at a vertical or so called calculation Waterfall Chart. The status bars represent base and result measures (e.g. sales and EBIT) whereas the contribution bars in between represent the increase or decrease of the measures. It is used for every category, except time series which I would like to explain in the second part of this post later. This vertical Waterfall is also grouped by years. So, it’s so called “small multiple” chart. One single chart is basically multiplied by another Dimension/Column. Since for example 1000 USD have in all charts the same bar size/length, a “visual”- comparison of the small multiple charts is possible, we call that “same scaling”.

The “Blue” bar is a manual added sub total sum. You can change also the color of these types of bars for special highlighting in case you would like to. You can basically change all colors of all bars in this visuals. The default colors follow also the IBCS Colors. Last but not least it is also possible to sort the charts inside the small multiples by the multiplied category.

Below you see an example of an horizontal Waterfall Chart which is used for Time Series only. We have here a single Chart (of course, small multiple is also possible) with three subtotals and the total value which each of them represents the year-to-date (YTD) value. This is the sum of 3 months for Quarter 1 in case and the sum of the first 9 month for Q3 YTD.

Live Demo - Power BI Ultimate Waterfall & Variance IBCS (R)

We are happy to get your feedback and suggestions for enhancements and critic as well. This charts are following somehow the rules of the International Business Communication Standards (IBCS ®)

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